Seeking is bliss.

   One of the things that keeps us bothering often is that everything we do is ultimately for happiness, satisfaction and peace of mind​; then why is it so that the only thing we are deprived of is peace of mind. The journey of humankind began thousands of years ago when man started to struggle with food, fire, shelter, transportation and what not. He then came up with language which indeed gave the birth to thought.
     We never thought of a thought going beyond words, pictures, sounds in mind and the sound of silence. But we need to be able to differentiate between a thought and continuous overthinking. Humans are estimated to undergo 65,000 thoughts everyday. But why am I speaking about thoughts and thinking? Let me share an experience. 
         Most of us are fond of little children and so am I. But my aunt is the only one with a small kid in the family. I love to play around with her daughter and luckily our little princess too likes me.(Sometimes its too difficult to become a small child's favourite.) My aunt felt she was old enough to eat with her own hands which is why she always had to practice having her basic snacks on her own. But she would never touch the food during the time of sunset. No matter how hard we try to make her eat or even feed her, she should never eat during the time of sunset. For a very long time we thought she is simply not hungry. But the day I saw what kept her away from eating during sunset was when I learnt an important lesson. She would simply go near the window and watch the sunset. Her eyes wide open in awe watching the sun descend left me completely thoughtless  with a undefined bliss and tears. I could never explain why those tears were but I realised that this is the state of ultimate happiness and ultimate bliss where every one struggles to reach. 
      So now the new question is that are we just creatures with thoughts or the body is a hardware, mind is a software and we something beyond mind and body? I am not saying I have the answer to this question but all it takes is a little audacity to understand ourselves and the ecstatic nature. For now what we see is that we are creatures in search of signification. 

This is my cathartic scream.


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